Saturday, November 20, 2010

//seeking passion: design

I mentioned a few posts back that I was beginning to discover passion again. I thought it might be good to start exploring some of the things I am passionate about. After all, don't you think that if you are passionate about something you should know a little about it?

I am extremely interested in design. Whether it be architectural, graphic, or something else, it draws me. I look at everything around me and study it. Even as I write this post I am looking at all the items on the kitchen island, dissecting them and picking them apart in my mind. The box that housed Linda's new cell phone. The flower vase with the fresh bunch of roses. The packing tape dispenser (random). They all began with an idea- hopefully one that's goal was to improve something or make an existing solution better. Are you following? It makes sense in my head at least...

Downtown Seattle

I took this picture with my phone while I was downtown for the Nordstrom lunch. Urban architecture never ceases to amaze me. The designing and planning that goes into every building is incredible. And how it all seamlessly fits together. New York City is interesting because the whole island is one giant grid. They have streets running north to south that are intersect by streets running east to west. It feels organized. However, San Francisco is not designed in grid form at all. There are certain areas of the city that are in the grid form, but most of the city has no definitive style.

Its awesome what you can discover when you take the time to think about it!

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I am learning to express myself through art while enjoying life.

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