Saturday, November 20, 2010

//bound for life

Some of you will be happy to know that I am pursing photography and I am really having fun with the creativity that is flowing.

Last Saturday a group of us went to a local abortion clinic and took a stand for the unborn. The blood of innocent blood is being shed over this nation and we are oblivious of it! We have been talked into the idea that it is a woman's right to choose and that even though the little baby is the size of a pea and has fingers and a heart beat, it has no life and can be done away with.

It's up to us to stop abortion. With God's help, it will be done! I am so excited to be a part of this Bound for Life chapter. One of my friends started it here in Maple Valley and it is so encouraging to be a part of something that is making a difference. Our next silent siege is in December and I can't wait! You can check out more info on Bound for Life at

Here are some facts about abortion:

Abortion Worldwide

  • Annually, 46 million babies die from abortion worldwide. That’s approximately one baby being aborted every two seconds.

Abortion in the United States

  • An estimated 50 million babies have been aborted since 1973. Approximately 24% of all U.S. pregnancies end in abortion.
  • Over half (56%) of all women having abortions between 15-44 are in their 20’s.
And here is the one that really gets me...
  • Nearly eight in 10 U.S. women obtaining an abortion report a religious affiliation.
    • 43% are Protestant
    • 27% are Catholic
    • 8% are other religions
Let's join together and change these statistics! It's time for change.

Here are some pictures from our first silent siege on Saturday.


  1. Amazing pictures!! Wow. Thanks for sharing a few.

  2. I agree. The pictures are amazing Joey. You are always inspiring me one way or another. I really hope one day not so much that even abortion will be illegal but that women will no longer desire one or see it as a "choice" they need to make. Keep up the good work Joey!

  3. Could i use some of your pictures for promoting a Pro Life prayer mission in Israel?


About Me

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I am learning to express myself through art while enjoying life.

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